Sienna Burst Quilt

Happy New Year! I have a few new projects going on, but my most exciting one is to attempt Then Came June’s gorgeous Sienna Burst Quilt. I was drawn to the original image of the quilt because I love the scrappy and faded effect the relatively low volume mixed prints have. So pretty! This is classified as an intermediate pattern, […]

Purple Stargazer quilt

I made this for my dear friend, Esther! It’s Edyta Sitar’s free Stargazer pattern, which I made for myself in blue and white, but it looks super pretty in purples! The back is red and blue because those are Esther’s other favourite colours! It’s my 11th finished quilt of 2020, and my second last one for the Christmas season!

Spiral Art Quilt collage

I love the work of Susan Carlson, a remarkable fabric collagist. I took her eworkshop on making a spiral collage, which is a wonderful introduction to her methods, with many very useful tips on choosing fabric, preparing the surface, adhering pieces, quilting the final work and binding an art quilt. I used scraps of reds and blues, trying to create […]