Thousand Oaks is finished and it’s so beautiful! This is my first professionally quilted quilt — Lynn Jones of Lynn’s Quilting Studio long armed it in an oak leaf and acorn pattern and it’s perfect!
Thousand Oaks finished
Fabric choices, Thousand Oaks Quilt
NB: Edyta Sitar’s Thousand Oaks quilt pattern is available on her website or in her book, Patches of Blue. I’m a collage artist and I found choosing the fabrics for this appliqué project almost exactly like composing the materials for a paper or multi media collage. You need 9 fat quarters worth of fabrics for the appliqués. From each fabric […]
Thousand Oaks Quilt – some background
My current active project is Edyta Sitar’s Thousand Oaks Quilt (you can find the pattern on her website and in her book, Patches of Blue). Sitar has based her design on the very old appliqué block often called Oak Leaf and Reel, which has a history in the United States dating back at least to the 1830s. Barbara Brackman has […]
Working on Thousand Oaks quilt by Edyta Sitar
I bought Edyta Sitar’s book Patches of Blue which arrived a few days ago, and I’ve been working on this appliqué pattern. I’ll post more details next week , but I just wanted to share a photo of my first blocks!